Membership is open to all residents of the Marina and there are two membership categories:
‘Full Member’- you must own a residential property in Brighton Marina.
‘Associate Member’- tenants and berth holders can join as ‘Associates’ and enjoy the key benefits but can’t stand for election to the committee or vote in committee elections.
The cost is £10 per household, the new membership period extends to 31 March 2026 and you will receive a maximum of two 'Advantage Cards' valid until then.
Advantage cards will normally be delivered to your address in the Marina but if you wish to have them sent off-site please use the paper form and supply a stamped addressed envelope with your application.
Please, if possible, use the online payment method. It's faster and less work for all concerned.
If you have any questions please email
Click here to join and pay £10 online with a credit or debit card.
Click here to download a printable membership application form, full instructions are on the form.
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